Blogging For Accountability

I've come to realize that even though I've been a Christian since childhood, I haven't grown as much as I should in my Christian walk. My body has transformed into adulthood, but I am still a toddler in my Christian walk. After a good friend of mine started a blog on saving money, I've grown to enjoy reading blogs, so I decided to start a blog of my own for accountability purposes. I hope that this blog will be an encouragement for both me and those who stop by to read it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How Do You React When Someone Is Late and They Make You Wait?

I really enjoy the icebreakers that our Sunday School lessons start off with each week which include a series of questions to lead into the lesson topic. (Contagious Community: Living Beyond Yourself by Life Connections)

1. Which of the following did you have the hardest time waiting for when you were growing up?

  • Christmas
  • Summer vacation
  • When you would be able to drive
  • When you could move out of the house
  • Your birthday
  • Puberty
  • Other ________

2. Which of the following do you have the hardest time waiting for now?
  • Opening day of baseball season
  • The next episode of your favorite TV show
  • Christmas
  • Payday
  • The weekend
  • Your vacation
  • Opening day of hunting season
  • The big sale at your favorite store
  • The next time you'll be able to see a certain someone
  • Other ______
3. How well do you deal will it when people are late and they make you wait?
  • It stresses me out- I think of all I have to do.
  • It's great - it gives me a chance to relax.
  • I blame myself- figuring I remembered wrong.
  • It relieves my guilt- for all the times I am late.
  • I feel devalued- I am not important enough for them to respect my time.
  • I am patient with them- I know all the things that can come up.
  • Other _______

Growing up I couldn't wait to turn 16 to get those driver's license. There was just something about that sense of independence that came along with being able to drive myself around. Now, as an educator, I really enjoy the short breaks that we get throughout the school year. I enjoy summer too, but I could really handle just a week or two and dive right back in. :)

The third question really stopped me right in my tracks. It brought my self-centeredness right to the forefront of my mind. I am totally Type A, but that really is no excuse. It truly irritates me to no end for folks to be really late. I really am sitting there thinking of all of the things on MY to do list. ME, ME, ME. Ephesians 4:2-4 tells us to "ALWAYS be humble and gentle. Be PATIENT with each other making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourself united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace."

None of us are perfect, so as Christians we are called to accept each other in spite of our faults. For some folks, running late is just part of who they are ... do you know folks like that? How did you fare in the test?


Donna said...

I am the same way. I get impatient with them. I am a very organized person and I like things to run the way they are meant to, so when someone is messing that up, I get really frustrated! That's human nature, but that doesn't make it right. We don't know why they are late and should be understanding. I think that is something most people could work on including myself.

Sheila Hill said...

I make sure and tell Lance about the plug for the Sunday School book! He'll love it!