Blogging For Accountability

I've come to realize that even though I've been a Christian since childhood, I haven't grown as much as I should in my Christian walk. My body has transformed into adulthood, but I am still a toddler in my Christian walk. After a good friend of mine started a blog on saving money, I've grown to enjoy reading blogs, so I decided to start a blog of my own for accountability purposes. I hope that this blog will be an encouragement for both me and those who stop by to read it.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I know this is late, but things have been a little hectic around my house over the past week. Hence, I'm behind on blogging. I have to admit that keeping up with a blog is much harder than I anticipated, but I'm not going to give up yet. :) This week I am thankful for:

Freedom. We are so blessed to live in a country where we are free.

A new king sized bed. Although, I was reluctant to give in to this, I feel like I am spending the night each night at a luxurious hotel. It is awesome.

My freshly painted bathroom. My dad painted it for me, and I love the new color.

A successful Sunday School cookout that we hosted at our home to celebrate Independence Day.

Being able to share a friend's burden.
After getting off of the phone one night this weekend with a friend, I was literally sobbing over a storm that she if going through. My husband thought that I was a little crazy for crying over someone else's problems. I'm just thankful that I can feel someone else's pain.

Our freshly mulched flower beds. They looked fantastic -- for now. :)

Quality time spent this week with my husband.

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally understand when you wrote how you seem to take on the emotions of your friend's storm. I recently was in a meeting with a lot of woman on diffrent emotional levels and wow it took me almost 4 days to get all that emotion out of me. I have been trying to "protect" myself by surounding me with Y'shua's (Jesus') love and then I can still "be there" for them just I won't take on their emotions. I hope I don't sound coocoo bird about this but it might just help you out too!
Your sister in Christ,