Blogging For Accountability

I've come to realize that even though I've been a Christian since childhood, I haven't grown as much as I should in my Christian walk. My body has transformed into adulthood, but I am still a toddler in my Christian walk. After a good friend of mine started a blog on saving money, I've grown to enjoy reading blogs, so I decided to start a blog of my own for accountability purposes. I hope that this blog will be an encouragement for both me and those who stop by to read it.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;
I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. —Psalm 9:1

Every summer I have a burning desire to clean out all of the closets and drawers in my house. As I was doing so I ran across a prayer journal from four years ago where I recorded a list of answered prayers. It was pretty amazing to read back through the list and remember what was going on at that time in my life. This inspired me to start "Thankful Thursday" to count the blessings in my life. On Thursdays, I'll be posting things that I'm thankful for, blessings in my life, and prayers that have been answered. I'd like to hear from you each week as well.

1. Time with family. Over the past week I've been able to spend lots of time with family. We took a family vacation to the beach with my mom and stepdad, and I was able to spend time with Korey and Klaire. I've also spent some time with my dad, my stepmom, and extended family eating (of course). In addition, my sister came and spent the night with us this week as well. I really enjoy spending time with family.

2. A daughter that sings praises to the Lord. You know not a day goes by that Klaire doesn't sing some song about Jesus. Now, most of them are made up songs, but it just amazes me that she chooses to sing about Jesus.

3. Great neighbors. Our neighbors are like family. I have had three HUGE shrubs in my flower beds that have been driving me crazy for quite some time, and last night my husband was outside getting ready to try to get them out of the beds for me. Two of our neighbors came right over and joined in and helped him get them up. Now, this wasn't an easy task. It took a 4-wheel drive truck to yank them up, but they pulled them up and hauled them off. They're great. The good thing about that though is, it is a reciprocal relationship because Korey helped the neighbor fix his lawnmower yesterday too.

4. Butterflies and caterpillars. Kids really make you notice the small things in life don't they? We've had lots of catepillars on our porch lately, and we've been counting butterflies every day. I've been amazed at the number that we've seen every day. They're so pretty.

5. The decision to start this blog. It really has made me pick up my Bible every single day. :) Well, let me confess ... the migraine on Tuesday did keep me down, but I've been much more consistent this week. Thank you, Lord.

6. Rain. I haven't forgotten how dry it was last summer.

7. Cool weather the past couple of evenings so we've been able to get some yard work done.

8. The fact that Klaire slept through the night.
It's been a while since she hasn't woke me up to talk to me at least two to three times so I'm pretty happy about that!

9. Co-workers that I can talk through things that are "fuzzy" to me with.

10. My restored marriage.
Those that know me know that this has truly taken a miracle. Hardly a day goes by that I don't realize what a MIRACLE it truly is, I can remember praying asking God how there could possibly be any other way than divorce. However, God had other plans for my life, and I'm so thankful that He did.

There Psalms are full are full of verses reminding us to give thanks to the Lord for the blessings that He bestows upon our lives. What are you thankful for today?


Christina said...

Wow! That's an awesome list of things to be thankful for! Thanks for sharing! As we remember God's faithfulness and all the blessings that are poured into our lives it certainly helps through the tough/dry times....

Unknown said...

I like your concept of your blog. I am friends with the Stumbling Christian and want to welcome to the world of Blogging! May I add you to my list on my Walking with Y'shua site for people looking for other Christians to "stumble" with?

Anonymous said...

We do have so much to be thankful for! I found you through the Stumbling Christian, and have enjoyed reading through your blog. Stop by and visit mine sometime, as we share our faith.

Jessica said...

they actually started this on the radio station I listen to this morning. I listen to 102.5, so it had nothing to do with Christianity, but I thought it was really neat that you posted this the same day they started their Thankful Thursday.

Karla said...

I didn't hear it on the radio, promise. :)