Blogging For Accountability

I've come to realize that even though I've been a Christian since childhood, I haven't grown as much as I should in my Christian walk. My body has transformed into adulthood, but I am still a toddler in my Christian walk. After a good friend of mine started a blog on saving money, I've grown to enjoy reading blogs, so I decided to start a blog of my own for accountability purposes. I hope that this blog will be an encouragement for both me and those who stop by to read it.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Out For a While

My family will be leaving bright and early tomorrow morning to head to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to spend some time together before going back to school. As soon as we return from there, I'll be going with my husband on a business trip to Macon, Georgia. So, I'll be out for a couple of weeks. Check back around the first of August for new posts. I'll be back at work, but I'm hoping to be able to juggle posting and working at the same time. We'll see. :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I am Thankful

This week I am thankful for ...

Answered Prayer. Klaire's behavior has improved quite a bit. :)

Forgiveness. Enough said.

A Wonderful Babysiter. Weezie is so good to us. She always helps us work through difficult times.

Fresh Vegetables. Even though I did spend six hours shelling peas Saturday.

Time off during the summer to re-energize.

Great friends.
I love my girlfriends. I can always count on them.

The Samaritan Woman

John 4:1-42 tells the story of the Woman of Samaria who was looked down upon by other Samaritans because she was living in sin. Respectable Jewish men would not speak to Samaritans because their race was disliked, but Jesus transcended all barriers to share His life with her. He asked her for a drink of water, and He began to tell her about the personal things in her life that she didn't think a stranger would know. She tried to change the subject to a religious argument about where to worship. He let her know that what mattered was not about being religious, but was about knowing who He was. Instead of changing the subject He changed her life by what He told her.

Our past sins often make us uncomfortable, and we would all probably like to erase portions of our lives if we could. In fact, that was a topic of discussion in our Sunday School class today as we discussed forgiveness. The question was, "Looking back over the different experiences of your life, what time period would you most like to be able to ask God for a 'do-over?'" I listened intently as we went around the circle in the room knowing full well what my answer would be, because I had this conversation through tear-filled eyes with a friend who is going through marital problems just a week ago. Everyone pinpointed a specific time-period during their life and stated why they would like a "do-over." When it was my turn to talk I said, "I wouldn't want a 'do-over' even as hard as some of my experiences have been." As I received puzzled looks from class members, I went on to explain just like I did to my friend last week. I believe that God allows us to walk through fires to show us things. Do I want to walk through them again? No way! Am I proud of all the decisions that I've made in my past? Not at all, but I believe that our experiences make us who we are. I believe that God allows us to fall so that He can pick us back up. I believe that God allow us to experience valleys so that we can experience the mountaintops. I believe that He allows us to sin so that He can show us forgiveness. God has used the storm in my marriage already to allow me to minister to several young ladies in just a year, and I'm very thankful for that opportunity. God was able to use the Samaritan Woman to share the Good News about Him. What about you ... would you like a "do-over" or can God use your circumstances where you are?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Woman of the Bible Who is the Total Package

This week has been VERY trying for me. I've been in training for my job, and we've had to fall back into the work schedule routine. Little Miss Klaire Bear has resisted greatly. I'm honestly deathly afraid that my babysitter is going to tell me that she can't keep her anymore because she has cried and pitched fits all day, every day this week. Klaire is going through lots of separation anxiety as we try to adjust back to the work schedule. So, I guess for these last few weeks that I'm off, we're just going to have to take her to day care for entire days even though I really didn't want to. :(
I'll have to admit that I felt a little defeated as I read about the woman of Proverbs 31 who definitely seems to be the total package because I'm feeling like my parenting skills are greatly lacking these days. This woman really seems to have it all together as a wife and mother. You know what I realized as I was reading this passage (Proverbs 31:10-31)? She isn't at the top of the corporate ladder, her house isn't known for how well it is decorated or how well her yards are landscaped, and beauty isn't mentioned at all! Folks are drawn to her because of her character. She works hard, respects her spouse, cares for others, and is an encourager among many other things. She is simply a great wife and mother that fears the Lord. Wow! What an amazing example.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I know this is late, but things have been a little hectic around my house over the past week. Hence, I'm behind on blogging. I have to admit that keeping up with a blog is much harder than I anticipated, but I'm not going to give up yet. :) This week I am thankful for:

Freedom. We are so blessed to live in a country where we are free.

A new king sized bed. Although, I was reluctant to give in to this, I feel like I am spending the night each night at a luxurious hotel. It is awesome.

My freshly painted bathroom. My dad painted it for me, and I love the new color.

A successful Sunday School cookout that we hosted at our home to celebrate Independence Day.

Being able to share a friend's burden.
After getting off of the phone one night this weekend with a friend, I was literally sobbing over a storm that she if going through. My husband thought that I was a little crazy for crying over someone else's problems. I'm just thankful that I can feel someone else's pain.

Our freshly mulched flower beds. They looked fantastic -- for now. :)

Quality time spent this week with my husband.

What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I Guess We All Have A Little Bit of Eve In Us

I've been tied up with different things over the weekend, but at the same time I was trying to think about where I wanted to go with my devotional studies, and I decided that I really wanted to focus on learning what I could about the different women of the Bible. As I looked through the Table of Contents in the Bible I realized that only two books of the Bible are dedicated to the lives of women ... Ruth and Esther. I really enjoy both books (and I plan to revisit them soon), but I decided to go back and look at the life of the very first woman in the world, Eve. When you get right down to it, Eve suffered from many of the same struggles that we deal with today.
  • Eve had the "I've got to have it feeling." You know, she was perfectly content in the Garden of Eden until she was approached by Satan and deceived. Our desires, like hers, though can be so easily manipulated. It is easy to forget about all that we've been blessed with and to focus our thoughts on what we don't have. That's exactly what happened to Eve!
  • Eve also stepped out on a limb and obliged Satan by leaving God out of her plans. She rocked right along without ever asking God for his guidance. Have you ever just stepped out on your own and left God totally out of your plans and fell flat on your face? That's exactly what Satan's goal is for us, and he gets me with this one all the time. I think that "I" can do a lot! (Wrong)
  • This is really hilarious to me, but as I was rereading this story that I've read numerous times before I realized that "The Blame Game" started in the Garden of Eden. When the Lord questioned Adam about eating from the tree of the forbidden fruit, he blamed Eve. When the Lord questioned Eve, she blamed the serpent. So, this is where "The Blame Game" got started! I never realized that before. We have to remember that God always knows the truth ,and that He expects us as Christians to accept responsibility for our actions. "The Blame Game" isn't acceptable to Him, and He proves that with the punishment that He gives for their wrong actions in the Garden of Eden.
  • One of the saddest things that I realized as I reread this familiar story is the pain that Eve must have felt as her children battled through extreme sibling rivalry. That jealousy eventually led to the death of her son Abel. I can't even fathom dealing with the loss of a child, but can you imagine if it was by the hand of your other child? What a load to carry. You know, it easy to think back to the Garden and just remember that Eve is to blame for those awful pains that we experience during childbirth, but she definitely had her own burdens to bear.
  • Although it seems like Eve's story is filled with gloom and doom, there is grace and mercy through the judgment. Even as God was pouring out His judgment for Eve's sin, He promised her and generations to come that we would bear children. Genesis 3:16 says, "I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and you will give birth." Even during His judgment he was promising restoration. :)
I'm sure that I haven't gleaned all that there is to glean from Eve's life. Have I missed anything exciting that you would like to share?

Friday, June 27, 2008

What Would Your Cardboard Testimony Look Like?

Okay, guys. This video clip takes eight minutes to watch, but I PROMISE it is worth every single second. I found it through a great site called Guidance For Victory. It will bring tears to your eyes and humble you. I hope you'll take time to watch it.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;
I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. —Psalm 9:1

Every summer I have a burning desire to clean out all of the closets and drawers in my house. As I was doing so I ran across a prayer journal from four years ago where I recorded a list of answered prayers. It was pretty amazing to read back through the list and remember what was going on at that time in my life. This inspired me to start "Thankful Thursday" to count the blessings in my life. On Thursdays, I'll be posting things that I'm thankful for, blessings in my life, and prayers that have been answered. I'd like to hear from you each week as well.

1. Time with family. Over the past week I've been able to spend lots of time with family. We took a family vacation to the beach with my mom and stepdad, and I was able to spend time with Korey and Klaire. I've also spent some time with my dad, my stepmom, and extended family eating (of course). In addition, my sister came and spent the night with us this week as well. I really enjoy spending time with family.

2. A daughter that sings praises to the Lord. You know not a day goes by that Klaire doesn't sing some song about Jesus. Now, most of them are made up songs, but it just amazes me that she chooses to sing about Jesus.

3. Great neighbors. Our neighbors are like family. I have had three HUGE shrubs in my flower beds that have been driving me crazy for quite some time, and last night my husband was outside getting ready to try to get them out of the beds for me. Two of our neighbors came right over and joined in and helped him get them up. Now, this wasn't an easy task. It took a 4-wheel drive truck to yank them up, but they pulled them up and hauled them off. They're great. The good thing about that though is, it is a reciprocal relationship because Korey helped the neighbor fix his lawnmower yesterday too.

4. Butterflies and caterpillars. Kids really make you notice the small things in life don't they? We've had lots of catepillars on our porch lately, and we've been counting butterflies every day. I've been amazed at the number that we've seen every day. They're so pretty.

5. The decision to start this blog. It really has made me pick up my Bible every single day. :) Well, let me confess ... the migraine on Tuesday did keep me down, but I've been much more consistent this week. Thank you, Lord.

6. Rain. I haven't forgotten how dry it was last summer.

7. Cool weather the past couple of evenings so we've been able to get some yard work done.

8. The fact that Klaire slept through the night.
It's been a while since she hasn't woke me up to talk to me at least two to three times so I'm pretty happy about that!

9. Co-workers that I can talk through things that are "fuzzy" to me with.

10. My restored marriage.
Those that know me know that this has truly taken a miracle. Hardly a day goes by that I don't realize what a MIRACLE it truly is, I can remember praying asking God how there could possibly be any other way than divorce. However, God had other plans for my life, and I'm so thankful that He did.

There Psalms are full are full of verses reminding us to give thanks to the Lord for the blessings that He bestows upon our lives. What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How Do You React When Someone Is Late and They Make You Wait?

I really enjoy the icebreakers that our Sunday School lessons start off with each week which include a series of questions to lead into the lesson topic. (Contagious Community: Living Beyond Yourself by Life Connections)

1. Which of the following did you have the hardest time waiting for when you were growing up?

  • Christmas
  • Summer vacation
  • When you would be able to drive
  • When you could move out of the house
  • Your birthday
  • Puberty
  • Other ________

2. Which of the following do you have the hardest time waiting for now?
  • Opening day of baseball season
  • The next episode of your favorite TV show
  • Christmas
  • Payday
  • The weekend
  • Your vacation
  • Opening day of hunting season
  • The big sale at your favorite store
  • The next time you'll be able to see a certain someone
  • Other ______
3. How well do you deal will it when people are late and they make you wait?
  • It stresses me out- I think of all I have to do.
  • It's great - it gives me a chance to relax.
  • I blame myself- figuring I remembered wrong.
  • It relieves my guilt- for all the times I am late.
  • I feel devalued- I am not important enough for them to respect my time.
  • I am patient with them- I know all the things that can come up.
  • Other _______

Growing up I couldn't wait to turn 16 to get those driver's license. There was just something about that sense of independence that came along with being able to drive myself around. Now, as an educator, I really enjoy the short breaks that we get throughout the school year. I enjoy summer too, but I could really handle just a week or two and dive right back in. :)

The third question really stopped me right in my tracks. It brought my self-centeredness right to the forefront of my mind. I am totally Type A, but that really is no excuse. It truly irritates me to no end for folks to be really late. I really am sitting there thinking of all of the things on MY to do list. ME, ME, ME. Ephesians 4:2-4 tells us to "ALWAYS be humble and gentle. Be PATIENT with each other making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourself united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace."

None of us are perfect, so as Christians we are called to accept each other in spite of our faults. For some folks, running late is just part of who they are ... do you know folks like that? How did you fare in the test?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Kids Ought to Come With Manuals, Right?

She doesn't look hard to handle, does she? Seriously, she is so cute, and she acts so grown up. But, boy does she give me a run for my money! As I was getting dressed for church yesterday morning I whispered a quick prayer that the morning would run smoothly because Satan just has a way of slipping into our home on Sunday mornings. All was going well until it was time to get Klaire dressed. Of course, she was busy playing, and she didn't want to stop to get dressed. After telling her several times to come over and to let me put her dress on, I started to get agitated with her. Of course, the cycle began, I told her over and over to be still, stand up, stand still, and on and on. Then, as I tried to put her hair up and put her bow in she kept moving around and I had to start over. Korey threatened a spanking a couple of times until he finally declared that she would indeed receive a spanking AFTER CHURCH.

At that point, her face fell, she immediately began pleading her case as she always does when she knows that she's in too deep. My heart sank. Because I'm an educator I know that young children need discipline immediately in order for it to be effective. On top of that, Klaire is a worry wart. I seriously wouldn't doubt it if she has an ulcer by the time she starts kindergarten. I mean, what three year old jerks her head around toward the television every day when she realizes that the weather is on and says, "Mama, is there gonna be a funderstorm today?" She is deathly afraid of thunder and lightning. I went to Korey and told him that I thought that he should spank her BEFORE we left for church instead of three hours later. He disagreed. So, we left for church with Klaire whining that she didn't want a spanking, Korey upset with me because I questioned his parenting skills, and me upset with Korey because he didn't agree with me. Boy does Satan figure out how to weasel his way in. Hhmph!

Just after Sunday School Korey and I briefly discussed our difference of opinion about the situation again, and he declared that he just wouldn't spank Klaire at all. Wrong decision. Now, I do know enough to know that you have to keep your word when it comes to discipline, but why does parenting have to be so hard? Oddly enough, when the pastor began to preach yesterday his sermon was entitled, "Ten Things to Teach Your Children." I knew we were in for an interesting ride. One of his key points during the message was to expect obedience from your children and to always keep your word when it comes to discipline. On the way home from church Klaire said, "What did ya'll learn in Bible School today?" I thought, "Oh little one, you don't even want to know!" Guess what happened when we got home? You got it! Klaire got her spanking ... and she did live. It probably hurt my heart much more that it hurt her bottom. :)

Lately I've felt like I spend a whole lot time reprimanding Klaire, but I realize that toddlers require lots of boundaries. During these times I recite Proverbs 22:6 in my mind which reminds me to "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." When I have to spank her, I will recite Proverbs 24:13 in my mind which reminds me of the promise that tells us that if "we spare the rod we will spoil the child." I decided to spend my quiet time today looking for other promises regarding discipline so here are a few that I thought I'd share with you.

"If you refuse to discipline your children, it proves you don't love them; if you love your children you will be prompt to discipline them." Proverbs 13:24 (NLT)

"Discipline your children while there is hope. If you don't you will ruin their lives." Proverbs 19:18 (NLT)

"Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure and right." Proverbs 20:11 (NLT)

"To discipline and reprimand a child produces wisdom, but a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child." (NLT)

"Discipline your children, and they will give you happiness and peace of mind." Proverbs 29:17 (NLT)

The Bible has a lot to tell us about the importance of discipline. With a toddler it is easy to feel that all that you do is nag, correct, and redirect. Proverbs 29:15 reminds us that this will eventually lead to self-discipline. Whew! Discipline isn't easy, but it is necessary. It is an act of love! What promises have you been reminded of lately that you needed to hear?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pressing Toward the Goal

When I decided that I would create a blog of my own I pondered various topics that I might blog about including my eating habits, coaching teachers at my school in order to enhance my own job performance, exercising, and my spiritual walk. I asked myself, "Which of these is the MOST important? Which affects eternity? Hands down the answer was easy... my spiritual walk. So, here I am starting this journey to hold myself accountable. I've started this journey many times before and failed, but I'm hoping that this form of journaling will help keep me on track.

As I was searching for scripture today to encourage me, I came across Philippians 3:12-14 that says, " I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be. No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven."

It is easy to feel defeated and that we could never please God with the lives that we lead here on earth. When I think of all of the years that I've wasted having inconsistent daily quiet times, I wonder how God could possibly still be patient with me. These verses remind us though not to dwell on things of the past, but to look forward the future. Are you dwelling on things of the past or are you focusing on what lies ahead? I hope that these verses will encourage you to look forward to what God has in store for you.